Leads 2 Deals

A Sales Podcast - Done Right


Sales is the greatest sport in the world. And on our podcast we bring in those elite world-class athletes of the sales game. They get to share their ‘locker room stories’ and the hard work and steps they took to create millions! This podcast covers it all!


It takes the HUNGRIEST of entrepreneurs to create millions from mere pennies. We hope you have the same burning appetite and desire to consume all of the tips and tricks shared by our amazing guests.

Here’s just a few of our favorite podcasts below, for you to enjoy!

one podcast
can change your life

It’s funny how that one podcast changed your whole life. That one guest, that one story of motivation, that one strategy, that one challenge, that one sound clip… made you a multi-millionaire. And it all started out by listening to one of these below.

mY businesses

Lamassu Leads - Leads 2 Deals

An enterprise level call center focused on generating highly qualified and highly motivated seller leads for both iBuyers and Wholesale companies throughout the United States.

Lamassu CRM - Leads 2 Deals

The industry’s only custom made, from scratch, wholesale and investor specific CRM. Unlike any other platform out there, you will now have a competitive advantage over others in your market place.

Synergy Data - Leads 2 Deals

My name is Synergy and my last name is Data. As you may know I live by my name. I’m accurate, sanitized and updated instantaneously as an excellent data engine should be. Data Science is my thing, my mission is to provide you with world class results to succeed in your business.



Whoever says money is the root of all evil, hasn’t listened to our podcasts! These guests share their true heartbreaks, losses and ultimate wins in the face of disaster. Real winners and real closers.

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