
Season 3 Episode 8:

David Olds

David Olds - $100+ Million Dollars In Closings!

David Olds, a 22-year investor with 15 years full time experience. Started out broke and grew to one of the nation’s largest wholesalers then pivoted to create ezREIclosings, the nation’s largest virtual Transaction Coordination company serving hundreds of clients nationwide. Closed over 238M in deals last year and just opened a nationwide title company. Truly disrupting the industry and leveling the playing field so new investors can operate at the highest levels. With a focus on excellence, a wealth of experience, and a genuine desire to help others succeed, David Olds continues to be a driving force in the real estate investing community. His contributions to the industry and commitment to his clients have solidified his reputation as a leader and innovator in the field of real estate investment and transaction coordination.

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